So, the expo began today. Obviously, it is going to be a place where essential gaming things are going to be found now adays. Lots of the companies are trying to im press consumers with legitimate products. Sony is even pushing for a new motion activated thing, 'Sony Move'. The games business in the United States is down 11 percent for the year, and industry revenues shrank by 8 percent last year to $19.66 billion, according to industry research group NPD. The figures don't account for downloadable content and online revenue, but it does paint a tougher picture for the traditional business of selling packaged games.
I'm hoping that this expo will attract more consumers to stick to the traditional way of buying packaged games, rather than illegally downloading them. Sure, we've all downloaded a game or something at one time, but now we are at a point where perhaps it should be limited, at least a slight bit? Games business revenue going down 11 percent isn't a small thing.
Then again, the expo won't just be for gamers. Looks like technological things, such as 3d displays that dont require glasses, and full body motion capture devices.
Lets all hope that not only good games are showed at the expo, but great technology, at an affordable price, that would be an eye catcher for your average consumer.